Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crispy Oatmeal Cookies

The older I get, the more I like strong flavors.  In recent years, I've learned to like spicy food, mustard and beer.  This is exciting because it opens whole new world of culinary fabulousness (yes, I know this isn't a real word) for me. 

My dad will eat anything.  Literally.  I cannot think of a single food he won't eat.  I'm both in awe of this and yet at times during my life have been a little concerned about this.  When I was a teenager, our family went out to eat at an Asian restaurant.  Each menu item had up to five dragons next to it.  The more dragons, the spicier the dish.  My dad ordered the spiciest thing on the menu, though the waiter tried his darnedest (to my surprise, spell check confirms that this is, in fact a word) to talk him out of it.  Half way through the meal, the chef came out to meet my dad because no white dude had ever been able to eat it.  Granted, by that point he was pretty red in the face. 

Some people like spicy food, mustard and beer.  Some people don't.
Some people like thick, chewy cookies, some people like thin, crispy ones.

Some people like salt on their sweet stuff.  My grandmother liked to salt her watermelon. 
Try these tasty cookies from Smitten Kitchen.  Here's the link.  They're more for people in the thin, crispy, adventurous camp.  You don't have to add the salt on top.  But it adds a lot to them.

This little ninja sure liked them!

I used regular chocolate chips this time because that's what I had. I've made them with white chocolate and they're scrumptious!


  1. I made these - they're fabulous. I've been reading Deb since before she got married. I know that Kendra has really enjoyed making her recipes too! Search for the austrian raspberry shortbread - it's amazing. My favorite, hands down.

  2. I will, Jess. I've only been reading Smitten Kitchen for a few years now, but she sure does have some incredible recipes! Thanks for the shortbread tip. I like the profile pic!

  3. These look amazing Aubrey!!
