Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Advent Calendar

Ah yes, the Halloween bounty still lurks.

The Halloween sugar high just wore off, the Thanksgiving stuffing (pun intended) is barely a memory and here we are already counting down the days until Christmas.

Historically, we don't put up our tree this early.  I'd say it's usually mid-December before the deed is done.  Fortunately, for my children this year we did put it up early.  This means that their mom found the advent calendar from childhood days well before the Christmas countdown. 

What a lovely way to use up all that Halloween candy.  My parents, as I recall, used a lot of Brachs candy.  I remember my brothers and I each getting a piece of candy before bed and then taking turns ringing the bell.
These are fond memories I hope to pass on to my boys. 

I'm not really sure how I ended up with this speical advent calendar.  It's probably because I had children first.  Now that my brothers are starting their families, I suppose I'll have to share.  We worked on that sharing bit a lot when we were younger.  I wonder if I'm any better at it now that I'm a grown-up.  Perhaps we can put it on a rotation...or I can just make two new ones.  We'll see! 

This could easily be made with some ribbon, yarn and felt. 

The top portion of the calendar says:

"Till Santa Comes"

If twenty four whole days
Seems a long time to wait,
Old Santa recommends
This tasty bit of bait.

Just take a piece of candy
Each night when sandman calls,
Shake the bell just once
and leave the rest upon the wall.

If when you've eaten all the sweets
And rung the bell just right,
Go straight to bed and sleep,

"Cause Santa Comes Tonight"


  1. what a fun interactive advent calendar! I might have to make one up for my girls, they'd love the opportunity to have a piece of candy each night!

  2. I used to have to hand stitch 3 pieces of taffy together on the twisted ends so that the whole shebang would tie on. I never thought of using up leftover Hallowen candy...mostly because you and your younger brother never had any left by this time of year, and your older brother had his counted, sorted and locked in a wooden box.
