Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple Chicken Sandwich

Some days call for a little cleaning out the kitchen kind of food.  You know, like making 'everything' cookies and 'everything' soup...sometimes a little 'everything' pasta.  It's nice to throw a bunch of leftover tidbits together and have something brilliant turn out.  Not that it always turns out great, but it's sure nice when it does.

My dad sent me a card recently and on the front it said 'True elegance becomes the more so as it approaches simplicity.' -Henry Ward Beecher

If that's the case, then this is one elegant sandwich.  It's beauty was in it's simplicity.  I had some leftover roasted chicken, a couple rolls from the night before, half an avocado and a super ripe tomato.

The layering (though the order isn't important) went like this: bun, mustard, tomato, chicken, slice of cheddar cheese, some avocado, bun.  It was cute and fun and paired with a tasty little salad.  My guest loved it! 

1 comment:

  1. The guest was me, and it was super yummy! I came on here today to get some more recipes for our meals this week and I totally forgot about those sandwiches! I will use that for sure because I just started making lunches for my hubby and am looking for more ideas, yeah!
