Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Next Pirate Adventure

Last October, we had our first pirate adventure.  Since then, I've been scheming for our next one.  It all finally came together this past Saturday during a trip to see my mother and stepfather at the lake. 

We hid a new map in the same book we used last time and they were thrilled to see the map in the back. 

As the map indicated that only pirates were allowed on the island so of course we had to dress u.p

Once our lunch was packed and the pirates were dressed appropriately, we headed out in the speed boat.

After drinking Flathead Monster soda from a real glass bottle (just like pirates would do, says Jake) and eating sandwiches, the search for our next clue began.

No pirate ship is complete without a flag.  My lovely mother made this one especially for them.  Mom's are handy to have on an adventure by the way.

We searched all along the beaches of the island and finally found an old bottle with a new map hidden inside.  The directions led us to an abandoned house.  The boys counted off fifteen paces and under a big pile of brush, they found their treasure!!!

Best. Day. Ever!

Please watch this short video showing our adventure (click the link below).  Be's my first attempt at any kind of 'movie' of any kind.  Yes...I know the music is terrible, but now I can't figure out how to change it.  Enjoy!

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