Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Photo

I love the holidays!  I look forward to them, painstakingly prepare for them and do my best to enjoy every minute of them.  That said, I always breathe a sigh of relief when it's all over and life can return to normal...or at least to something that resembles normal.  There's still the tree and decorations to take care of, gifts to put away, and I have to figure out something to do with the piles of sweets my mother and mother-in-law sent me home with.  It's handy to have a bachelor neighbor with a teenage son I suppose.  Maybe they'll take them.

Boy, was I spoiled with the gifts though!  I can't wait to show you my new enameled cast iron dutch oven!

The very first post here on My Oh My! was about my Uncle Jack's Jambalaya.  I mentioned my favorite photo of my dear late uncle and that I hoped to post it during the holiday's along with his fudge recipe.  Well, I'm not going to post the fudge recipe, but I am going to show you the photo now. 

My sister-in-law, Kylene, found the framed photo fused to a broken piece of glass.  When she tried to remove the glass from the photo, it pulled the color away so she let it be.  She then scanned, printed and framed it.  Then she gave it to me for Christmas.  I love it!  I actually cried when I opened it as I thought the photo may be lost forever.  Thank you Kylene!  And thank you to my family and friends for an incredible holiday season 2010.  I am one blessed and loved woman.

Now off to have a beer and zone out in front of the TV.  Yay for me!


  1. I miss him as much now as the day he left us. We were lucky indeed, to have known him.

  2. Anyone who knew Jack would know that he was a gentleman of the first order. Well loved by kids....Of all ages Dad

  3. It sure is good to have this photo back. I love seeing him on that bike.
