Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lime Juice Cubes

My mom and stepdad had a card at their house that went something like this:

Front:  A cartoon picture of a woman saying 'I knew of a gal who froze leftover wine in ice cube trays to use in cooking later...I didn't know that was possible'

Inside:  'To have leftover wine I mean'

I still giggle when I think of it.  Mostly because leftover wine isn't usually a problem for my household either. 

Leftover lemons and limes, however...that's another story.  I can't stand paying 79 cents for a single lime at the grocery store, so I buy the big bag at Costco and they are significantly cheaper per fruit.  The problem then, however is using them all in time.  So, why not juice them and freeze them in ice cube trays to use whenever?  I'm sure I've heard of this before, but this is the first time I actually did it. 

The frozen cubes

The final bagging. I'll put it right next to my wine cubes...

1 comment:

  1. You know, just lately I have been getting the feel for just how handy the freezer can be, and it seems like I just keep learning new ways to utilize it for leftovers, like this! What a great idea! THanks for sharing. Lemons are definitely going on my Costco list for next time!
